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Meetings and Presentations

December 13, 2005
* Vlad Friedman spoke on 'Advanced Application and Server Troubleshooting'
* Jeff Schoolcraft spoke on 'Reg Ex tips and tricks'

November 8, 2005
* Simon Horwith spoke on 'Event Gateways in CFMX7 - filling in for Jeff Tapper'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'MAX 2005 Report'

October 11, 2005
* Sean Corfield spoke on 'Frameworks: Mach II or Fusebox 4.1?'
* Jonathan Cogley spoke on 'Test Driven Development'

September 13, 2005
* Jeremy Kadlec spoke on 'SQL Server Performance Tuning'
* Simon Horwith spoke on 'CF 7 Application framework'

August 9, 2005
* Steve Rittler spoke on 'Getting Started with Mach-ii'
* Chafic Kazoun spoke on 'Mission-Critical Flash Application Architecture'

July 13, 2005
* Michael Smith spoke on 'ColdFusion 10th birthday party'

July 12, 2005
* Simon Horwith spoke on 'CFUNITED report'
* Theo Rushin Jr. spoke on 'Using Webservices in Flash MX 2004 Pro - in 60 Minutes or Less'

June 14, 2005
* Paul Sulsky spoke on 'Flash for movies'
* Martin Cadirola spoke on 'Producing Rich Internet Applications with an Open Source Platform'

May 10, 2005
* Leo Laporte spoke on 'The Future of the Internet'
* Doug Hughes spoke on 'Using Java from ColdFusion'

April 12, 2005
* Simon Horwith spoke on 'CFForm Enhancements (Flash Forms, XForms, Validation, etc.)'
* Douglas Ward spoke on 'CF's XML capabilities'

March 8, 2005
* David Epler spoke on 'Lamda Box for free CF server'
* Mosh Teitelbaum spoke on 'Dynamic HTML - CSS, Javascript and DOM'

March 2, 2005
* Jeff Peters spoke on 'CFUNITED Sneak Peek'

February 8, 2005
* Geoff Snowman spoke on 'What's new in SQL Server 2005'
* David & Adam Churvis spoke on '.Net Eye for the ColdFusion Guy'

January 11, 2005
* Victor Goldberg spoke on 'The Test Driven Development Approach to Programming'
* Jon Brundage spoke on 'Instant Web Sites Using ColdFusion'

December 14, 2004
* Daniel Daugherty spoke on 'Revision Control in ColdFusion'
* Jim Collins spoke on 'Using ColdFusion to Manipulate Files and Directories'

November 9, 2004
* Jeremy Brodie spoke on 'Capability Maturity Model Lessons Learned'
* Robi Sen spoke on 'Using Open STA for functional and load testing'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'MAX 2004 report'

October 12, 2004
* John Quarto-vonTivadar spoke on 'New features in Fusebox 4.1'
* John Quarto-vonTivadar spoke on 'Persuasion Architecture'

September 14, 2004
* Mosh Teitelbaum spoke on 'ColdFusion Foundations: POP3'
* Douglas Ward spoke on 'User-Centered Design'

July 13, 2004
* Jim Collins spoke on 'Using Personas for better projects'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'CFUN-04 conference report'

June 8, 2004
* Sandra Clark spoke on 'CSS for Better Sites'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Creating banded reports with groupings in ColdFusion using nested tags'

May 11, 2004
* Mosh Teitelbaum spoke on 'ColdFusion and SMTP'
* Geoff Snowman spoke on 'SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services'

April 13, 2004
* Sandra Clark spoke on 'Creating Accessible Web Forms'
* Ben Elmore spoke on 'Flex - Code for Flash Generation'

March 9, 2004
* Jon Brundage spoke on 'Client side and server side form validation'
* Chafic Kazoun spoke on 'Flash Remoting'

February 10, 2004
* Mosh Teitelbaum spoke on 'Error handling in ColdFusion'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'How to be a guru programmer'

January 13, 2004
* Samuel Neff spoke on 'Integrating ColdFusion with MS Office'

December 9, 2003
* Chris Lomvardias spoke on 'Leveraging SQL Server 2000 in ColdFusion Applications'
* Jeremy Brodie spoke on 'A ColdFusion Programmer's Guide to Secure Networking'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'MAX 2003 Report'

November 11, 2003
* Leslie O'Flahavan and Marilynne Rudick spoke on 'How to Write Great FAQs to Support Self-Service'
* Don Doane spoke on 'Measuring Poor Website Performance'

October 14, 2003
* Geoff Snowman spoke on 'CF and .Net revisited'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Active Content'
* Jeff Peters spoke on 'Mindfuser - reverse engineering code'

September 9, 2003
* Mosh Teitelbaum spoke on 'HTTP and CF'
* Margarita Rozenfeld spoke on 'How to be a passionate and energetic programmer every day'

August 12, 2003
* Peter Davis spoke on 'Upgrading to CF MX, Beware!'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'CFMX 6.1 release'

July 8, 2003
* Sandra Clark spoke on 'CF Debugging Tips and Tricks'
* Derrick Rapley spoke on 'CF Admin tips and tricks'

June 10, 2003
* Dorothy Firsching spoke on 'Using the Federal Enterprise Architecture for code reuse'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Fusebox 4'

May 13, 2003
* Michael McGuire spoke on 'WYSIWYG Editors on the Web'
* Geoff Snowman spoke on 'Intro to .NET'

April 8, 2003
* Samuel Neff spoke on 'Creating Word docs from CF'
* Jon Brundage spoke on 'Page Layout and Navigation in ColdFusion'

March 11, 2003
* Hal Helms spoke on 'OO, CFCs and CF'
* Mark Gorkin spoke on 'Managing Anger and Conflict in Programming Projects'

February 11, 2003
* Sandra Clark presented John Quarto-vonTivadar's 'Better Fusebox with FuseQ'
* Sandra Clark spoke on 'Giving Nested Layers the Fuseboot'

January 14, 2003
* Michael Smith spoke on 'CF_Jeopardy'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Loops in ColdFusion'

December 10, 2002
* Joan Falcao spoke on 'Query Diff Utility in CF'
* Roger Kilian spoke on 'Flash Remoting from CF'

November 12, 2002
* Derrick Rapley spoke on 'Improving Database Performance in CF'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Better Debugging and Error Handling in CF and CFMX'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'DevCon 2002 Report'

October 8, 2002
* Derrick Rapley spoke on '[cf_dataValidate] form validation code'
* Wells Burke spoke on 'Adalon: ColdFusion Architecting'
* Lei Wang spoke on 'CF and stored procedures'

September 10, 2002
* Vince Bonfanti spoke on 'Deploying CFML on J2EE Servers'
* Neil Ross spoke on 'N-Tier Application Development with CFCs'

August 13, 2002
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Application.cfm tips and tricks'
* Jeff Peters spoke on 'Fusebox 3: Analytic Synthesis: How to Eat an Elephant'

July 9, 2002
* Eron Cohen spoke on 'Dreamweaver MX and CF coding'
* Michael Kane spoke on 'Putting the Pieces Together: A CF site case study'

June 11, 2002
* Rob Brooks-Bilson spoke on 'Getting to know ColdFusion MX'
* Arden Weiss spoke on 'Getting High on Search Engines with Webposition Gold'

May 14, 2002
* Jason Stadler spoke on 'Using Fusebox in creating a portal tool in CF'

April 9, 2002
* Don Doane spoke on 'Load Testing Early and Often'
* John Quarto-vonTivadar spoke on 'Fusebox 3 Nested Layouts'

March 12, 2002
* John Fendrick spoke on 'Best Practices using Commonspot content mgmt solution'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Secure ColdFusion Coding Practices'

February 12, 2002
* Jon Brundage spoke on 'Cool CF Resources'
* Sandra Clark spoke on 'Dual Flash-HTML front-ends with ColdFusion'

January 8, 2002
* Gabe Roffman spoke on 'Creating an API for your web applications'
* Derrick Rapley spoke on 'Using CFLOCK'

December 11, 2001
* Nancy Leiby spoke on 'Javascript 102,Javascript 102'
* Michael Schuler spoke on 'Session, personalization and Flash'

November 13, 2001
* Michael Smith spoke on 'What was new at Macromedia DevCon'
* Tyler Williams spoke on 'Is Java in Your Future?'

October 9, 2001
* David Medinets spoke on 'Data Driven Application Framework'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'CFError vs. CFCatch'

September 11, 2001
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Error handling'
* Arden Weiss spoke on 'MySql, Cold Fusion and PHP Integration'

August 14, 2001
* Michael Schuler spoke on 'Fireworks: Spice up your CF'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Form handling in CF'

July 10, 2001
* Eron Cohen spoke on 'Session Stalking with CF'
* Jeanne Glazer spoke on 'WireFrame Prototyping for Happier Clients'

June 12, 2001
* Leslie O'Flahavan and Marilynne Rudick spoke on 'E-writing Tips to Improve Your Site'

May 8, 2001
* Justin Fidler spoke on 'Optimizing Your ColdFusion Application for Oracle'
* Jeff Peters spoke on 'Harness Fusedocs for Unit Testing'

April 10, 2001
* Jon Brundage Short talk 'Federal Website Design Regulations'
* Theo Rushin Jr. spoke on 'Dynamic Flash Animation Using Cold Fusion'

March 13, 2001
* Andrew Pollner and Lei Wang spoke on 'Automating your Website Testing'
* Shlomy Gantz spoke on 'The art of debugging'

February 13, 2001
* Ben Elmore spoke on 'Data Level Caching - Caching the core of your application'

January 9, 2001
* Karen Jefferson spoke on 'Using Barcodes in CF'
* Arden Weiss Demo by MDCFUG member 'Demo of AMYUNI PDF Converter and INFOMENTUM CFFILE applet'

December 12, 2000
* Jeff Peters spoke on 'Building Fusebox Frameworks'
* Jeff Peters spoke on ' Building Fusebox Frameworks.'
* David Fauth spoke on 'CF and XML Tricks'
* David Fauth spoke on 'CF and XML Tricks'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Access Report Server'

November 14, 2000
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'SQL Server MSDE article.'
* Matt Robold spoke on 'Macromedia UltraDev for CF'
* Eron Cohen with Douglas Smith 'SQL Server MSDE article'
* Eron Cohen spoke on 'SQL Server MSDE article.'
* Kevin Schmidt spoke on 'ColdFusion Developer's Journal reviews DevCon 2000'

October 10, 2000
* Michael Smith user group contributions 'CF variable scope guidelines'
* Jeff Price spoke on 'How to pick a CF ISP'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Running Sophisticated Access VB from ColdFusion'

September 12, 2000
* Kedar Desai spoke on 'Navigation framework for browser based Client-Server Applications'
* Tom Folkes spoke on 'Knowledge Management Tool Using ColdFusion'

August 8, 2000
* Joan Falcao spoke on 'More SQL Mumbo Jumbo - GROUP BY'

July 11, 2000
* Eron Cohen spoke on 'Ektron's eWebEditPro'
* David Whiteis spoke on 'Table of Contents Page and Include Files.'
* John Fendrick spoke on ' Allaire Spectra - Real World Tips and Tricks'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Allaire Roadmap'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Debugging Strategies'

June 13, 2000
* Eron Cohen spoke on 'Error Handling with Fusebox'

May 17, 2000
* Ben Forta spoke on 'Ben Forta/Ashley King CFUGORAMA Meeting'

May 9, 2000
* Michael Smith spoke on 'What is new in CF 4.5.1'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Developing A Centralized Tool Library'
* Wes Hewatt spoke on 'ColdFusion 5.0 - what is new'
* Dan Giannascoli spoke on 'Using ER/Studio to make better databases'

April 11, 2000
* Michael Smith spoke on 'CFX_Spell'

March 14, 2000
* Joan Falcao spoke on 'Downloading CF Data into Excel'
* Bill Rogers spoke on 'The Content Management Quandary '

February 8, 2000
* David Fauth spoke on 'CF and Regular Expressions with Sample RegExpressions'
* Eron Cohen spoke on 'Verity with Fusebox'

January 11, 2000
* Joan Falcao spoke on 'SQL: Null Values Exposed '

December 14, 1999
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Creating A Quick and Dirty Hit Counter in CF '
* Matt Schuster spoke on 'Auto new page listing in CF'

November 9, 1999
* David Schroeder spoke on 'Using MDAC driver with CF - no more ODBC memory leaks?'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'What's new in CF 4.5 '

October 12, 1999
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Error Handling'
* Steve Nelson spoke on 'Building CF Applications with Fusebox'

September 14, 1999
* Jim Schultz spoke on 'WDDX and Inter-Website Communication '
* Matt Schuster spoke on 'Application which notifies you of broken links automatically. '
* Tom Folkes spoke on 'Airline time table application '

August 10, 1999
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Adding instant security to a website with ColdFusion, using the application.cfm file to create login based security for an entire site. '

July 10, 1999
* Michael Smith spoke on 'CFLoop and list handling'
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Using the CF Studio Query Builder'

June 8, 1999
* Michael Smith spoke on 'Security hole found in ColdFusion '
* David Schroeder spoke on 'Skill Building with ColdFusion'
* David Schroeder spoke on 'Overview of ColdFusion Express, a free limited-functionality version of ColdFusion. '

April 13, 1999
* Tracy Recker spoke on 'Alive e-Show'
* Steve Greene spoke on 'Using Cold Fusion with Open Source Software '

February 9, 1999
* Michael Smith spoke on 'CF security'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Creating a knowledge base.'

December 8, 1998
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'Using CFERROR and Javascript to Log CF Errors'
* Douglas Smith spoke on 'CF for Linux, Xfree86, Solaris $18 personal edition '
* Tom Folkes spoke on 'CF Listserve code for static HTML sites'
* Tom Folkes spoke on 'CFHTTP for automatic datamining of neighborhoods for emails '
* Tom Folkes spoke on 'legality of using CFHTTP to copy pages from other sites '
* Patrick Fee spoke on 'CFGRID for sorting columns in data output '
Meetings and Presentations

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