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ColdFusion Freebies
ColdFusion Hosts
ColdFusion Sites
ColdFusion User Groups
Director Sites
Flash Communication Server Articles
Flash Communication Server Support Center
Fusebox Sites
JavaScript Sites
Job Listings
Mailing Lists
Other Links
Training and Certification
User Interface Resources

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- - - -

- - - - A usability blog.

ColdFusion Freebies
Free ColdFusion Software - With your help, we can build a great resource to provide ColdFusion developers access to free applications. How can you help? Submit your FREE ColdFusion application today! - - - Open Source projects built on Adobe technology

ColdFusion Hosts
Atavia - A provider of innovative e-commerce, enterprise, and custom internet software applications.
Axiom Web Hosting Solutions - Shared and Dedicated Windows 2000 and Red Hat Linux Hosting.
Blu Sky Web Solutions - Now offering Panoramic Solutions.
CB Web Design - Web site design and development, ISP Hosting, ColdFusion, Content Management, E-books, and General Publishing.
CF Developer - Social and Professional Networking Community.
CF Hosting, Inc. - In addition to ColdFusion hosting, CF Hosting offers PHP4x, Perl/cgi-bin, Microsoft FrontPage2002 and MySql support for your static sites. - The hosting plans featured on this site are ideal for companies in need of a high-quality business-grade service.
CFX Hosting - Specializing in Macromedia technologies.
circa 3000 - Managed ColdFusion hosting.
CrystalTech Web Hosting - Enterprise level hosting on Windows 2003 and IIS 6. ASP/.NET, ColdFusion 5 or ColdFusion MX 6.1.
Dantor Communications - Premium hosting at an affordable price.
DataRide - ASP, ASP.NET, and ColdFusion Hosting Technologies starting at $9.95/month!
Edge Web Hosting - A hosting service located in Owings Mills, Maryland.
FIRSTSERV Hosting Solutions - For ColdFusion, JRun, PHP and ASP hosting. - Customer-focused hosting solutions. - -
iland Internet Solutions - Virtual web hosting and managed services at the Level 3 data center. - is ranked in the top 5 by CNet's Most Popular Web Service List.
Shanje - A web hosting solution designed specifically for webmasters and web resellers.
Woodbourne Solutions - Web and wireless solutions that solve your business needs.

ColdFusion Sites
activSoftware - Lots of free code.
CF FAQ - by Ben Forta - A portal of links to sites that are of interest to ColdFusion web application developers. - ColdFusion and COM.
CFconf central - Information about past and future ColdFusion conferences and seminars. - A Custom Tag resource. - Developer of ActivEdit and other industrial strength applications and tags. - Discussion forums, tag gallerys, custom tutorials, language sections, and CF hosting information.
cfm!Central - A ColdFusion resource center.
CFVault - Stephan Tual's archives.
ColdFusion Developers Journal - The online version of the printed magazine.
ColdFusion FAQ - Answers to your ColdFusion questions.
Common Function Library Project - The purpose of the Common Function Library Project ( is to create a set of user-defined function (UDF) libraries for ColdFusion 5.0 and MX.
Defusion - Another CF developer site. Downloads - Custom tags. - The world's leading i-technology resource.
EpicMedia - ColdFusion event calendar.
Hal Helms, Inc. - An independent information resource for ColdFusion developers.
House of Fusion - A listing of CF tags, examples and other information.
MaxFusion - ColdFusion resources for geeks.
MMUGForum - Macromedia User Group Forum.
Oleani Technologies - is a premier provider of Cold FusionĀ® and ASP components for web developers and end users.
TeraTech ColdCuts - Tools and free ColdFusion code and tips.
The Depressed Press of Boston - Thoughts and experiences gathered while working with ColdFusion

ColdFusion User Groups
ACT and Region -
Albany -
Australia -
Central Europe -
Central Jersey -
Hampton Roads -
Maryland -
New York -
North Alabama -
Omaha -
Pentagon -
Philadelphia -
San Francisco Bay Area -
South Florida -
Southern California -
Southern Maryland -
Toronto -
Twin Cities -

Beginners guide to SQL - A great beginner's guide to SQL, with a fantastic list of web resources on the topic.

Director Sites
Director Developer Center -
Director Support Center -
Director Web Sites - -

Flash Communication Server Articles
Checklist -
Coding Best Practices -
Developing Scalable Macromedia Flash -
Flash Remoting -
Logged In -- The Next-Generation Internet -
Scenarios for Media, Messaging, and Collaboration - A 12-page document in PDF format.
Security Overview -
Streaming Video -

Flash Communication Server Support Center
Documentation Errata -
FlashCom TechNote -
Release Notes -
Server Management ActionScript Dictionary -
Top 3 TechNotes -

Fusebox Sites - Australia's leading authority on Fusebox development. - This site is devoted to the support and development of Fusebox for PHP.
Fusebox - The site that started it all!
Fusium - Download Rebar Wireframe Editor, sesConverter, etc.
Getting started with Fusebox 3 - A tutorial from "Benefit From IT"
GrokFusebox - A place to "get it."
Hal Helms, Inc. - An independent information resource for Fusebox developers.
Techspedition - "A navigation into knowledge"

HTTP/1.1 specification - HTTP protocol used to serve Web pages. See section 10 for status codes returned (302 is sent by <CFLOCATION>)
W3C Official HTML 4.0 specification - - The World Wide Web Consortium; created and defines HTML, HTTP protocol, XML, CSS, etc.

JavaScript Sites
"JavaScript: The Definitive Reference, 3rd Edition" - Provides a thorough description of the core JavaScript language and its client-side framework, complete with sophisticated examples that show you how to handle common tasks like validating form data and working with cookies. - If you're new to JavaScript, or just want to pick up some tips, take a look at the tutorial. Also has a short overview of the elements that make up Dynamic HTML, a library of JavaScript functions for adding DHTML to a web page and plenty of cool examples.
Doc JavaScript - A resource of JavaScript tips.
JavaScript Central - A reference manual for the JavaScript language. - "Focus on JavaScript", with lots of tutorials and scripts. - The largest JavaScript repository online, containing over 7000 free downloadable JavaScripts.
The JavaScript Source - An excellent JavaScript resource with tons of free "cut and paste" JavaScript examples for your web pages.

Job Listings
craigslist - Pick a city and look for a job.
Dice - At the beginning of December 2003, they listed 31,945 tech jobs.
House of Fusion - Mailing lists, including job listings.
Macromedia ColdFusion Forums - Classified ad forum.
ScriptLance - Bid on programming projects. - Pure tech talent.

Mailing Lists
CFCDev - CFCDev is a listserv for the discussion of all things CFC (ColdFusion Components). Has a lot of in-depth discussion of object-oriented issues.
Chattyfig - Fig Leaf Software offers FlashLounge, Flashcoders, Flashnewbie, FlashComm, SWFCoders, Dreamcoders, and Jack-Dev mailing lists.
chinwag - A mailing list for users and developers of Macromedia Shockwave.
ColdFusion Groups on Yahoo - There are almost 100 Yahoo Groups devoted to ColdFusion.
Dir3d-l - This list is intended to assist developers working with Macromedia Director.
dirGames-L - Director, Shockwave, and Flash Game Production.
DirWeb - DirWeb is for the vast legions of Macromedia Director users / abusers / wanna-bes, un-flashable, die-hard zealots of the ultimate multimedia authoring tool in this or any other universe.
Dreamweaver Talk - Dreamweaver Talk is an email list for discussion on topics related to the Dreamweaver product from Macromedia.
Lingo-L - Lingo-l is a mailing list dedicated to topics of Lingo programming.
MDCFUG-L - MDCFUG-L is a mailing list dealing with the Maryland ColdFusion Community.

Other Links
Apache - The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects.
BrowserHawk - Browser compatibility workshop.
Bugnet - The World's Leading Supplier of Software Bug Fixes.
DCAIP - The Washington, DC Chapter of the Association of Internet Professionals - Web design and development.
Evrsoft 1st Page 2000 - Excellent freeware HTML editor.
Introduction to Structured Query Language - An SQL tutorial.
PAFOX - Potomac Area FoxPro User Group. - 24-hour Software Development?!!
Software Engineering Degrees - a great resource tool for new students within the Software Engineering field to benefit from and will help them get the information they need.

Training and Certification
Accelebrate Training - They have ColdFusion MX Training, as well as many other platforms.
Allaire Alive - Training videos.
Brainbench - Measure the skills that drive your success.
cbtcafe - Computer-based training.
Certification Bootcamp - ColdFusion training and certification.
ColdFusion Training Videos - Building Your First Database Application with ColdFusion
Dissymmetry Flash Tutorials - Tutorials for intermediate Flash users. - Flash tutorial.
Flash Kit - A Flash Developer resource site.
Hal Helms, Inc. - Animated tutorials.
TeraTech Training - TeraTech is now offering training classes for ColdFusion and Fusebox.
Web designer colleges - Online guide to help find the right Web Design degree and college across the USA. Plus tips on starting a design career.

User Interface Resources - A webzine for interaction designers.
AskTog - Interaction Design Solutions for the Real World.
Cool - "The Only Known Cure For Designer's Block" - Surf*Mind*Web - Resource for designing useful, accessable websites and user interfaces. - Usable information technology.

ebXML - Enabling a global electronic market.
Oasis - A not-for-profit global consortium.
O'Reilly XML - All kinds of support for users of XML.
XML on MSDN - More XML support. - Applying XML and web services standards in industry.

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