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February News:
    [next MDCFUG meeting is 3/13/01]

1. MDCFUG-L list open for questions
2. Allaire European Developer Forum in Sophia Antipolis - France   3/26-27/01
3. Database Development with SQL Server, Oracle, and ColdFusion - a 4 day course
   conference in Norcross, Georgia 3/27-30/01

- Michael Smith, TeraTech http://www.cfconf.org/
                               MDCFUG http://www.cfug-md.org/
1. MDCFUG-L list open for questions
The listserve for all members to share CF questions and answers. To 
join go to 

Once you have joined you will be able to post questions to the list. 

2. Allaire European Developer Forum 
The Allaire European Developer Forum will provide technical insight and practical
knowledge that will increase your ability to successfully build and deploy
scalable, high-performance, high-availability ColdFusion and Allaire Spectra

Featured speakers include BEN FORTA, Allaire ColdFusion Product Evangelist
and BENJAMIN ELMORE, Allaire Spectra Product Evangelist, as well as product
leaders from Allaire, Compaq, Cisco and                      Oracle. 

3. Database Development with SQL Server, Oracle, and ColdFusion 
Classes will be held March 27thd - 30th, 2001 in Norcross, GA. This 4 day 
course taught by Adam and David Churvis will be intense and hands-on.


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