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The MDCFUG is sponsored by TeraTech. Visit us at www.TeraTech.com

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Developer's Research Study

Adobe User Research is interested in how you work!

We are looking for developers who would be available to chat with our Adobe User Researcher and share a bit of their work. We are interested in discussing with you what your processes are, what your challenges are, and what you believe could help improve your work tools.

We are also interested in taking a look at some of your current projects and being able to see how exactly you develop your apps with your current tools. We would be doing his over Adobe Connect, so you would only be sharing your screen and wouldn't be required to send us anything.

If you are interested, please follow the link to our survey screener and tell us a little bit about yourself: http://www.adobe.com/go/RIAintegration_study/

One session would last for 60 minutes and for your time, we'll gladly compensate you in either $75 AMEX Gift Check or the equivalent in Adobe software. These sessions will be running throughout June and July.

MDCFUG Meetings on Breeze / April's meeting was great!

As May's MDCFUG meeting is coming up tomorrow tonight, I want to be sure everyone knows that you can still revisit any meetings you may have missed over the past several months.  Since December 2006, we have been recording the MDCFUG meetings using Adobe Breeze, and those recordings are posted on the MDCFUG Past Meetings page, at http://www.mdcfug.com/meetings.cfm.

Last month, we heard from 2 fantastic speakers, and if you missed that meeting you can still catch it now!  Daniel Daugherty spoke on 'AJAX with CF and Java' , and Vanessa Howle spoke on 'What is new in Accessibility'.  They each referenced each other's experience during the presentations, to assure us that yes, even an AJAX site can be accessible!  Listen to these two speakers and learn how.

One note about the Breeze videos: sometimes the audio has been less consistent than the video, but we're getting better at it!  Both Daniel's and Vanessa's voices come through loud and clear.  You do have to wait a couple minutes at the beginning for the audio to kick in ... but be patient!  It's worth it.

Also note that you can come back to http://www.mdcfug.com/meetings.cfm about 48 hours after any MDCFUG meeting, to download the PowerPoint presentations and any provided files, as well as to view the recorded meeting.

CFlive schedule and URL

CFlive is a weekly half hour technical talk from CFUNITED speakers. It is hosted by Raymond Camden and Charlie Arehart of the Meetup virtual CFUG. The current schedule is every Thursday at 12:30pm - 1pm EDT.

  • 5/10/07 Charlie Arehart New in CFMX 6&7: What Did You Miss?
  • 5/17/07 Simon Horwith - Architecting and Optimizing CF Applications for Performance and Scalability
  • 5/24/07 Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
  • 5/31/07 Oğuz Demirkapı Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and Practice
  • 6/7/07 Peter Bell "Practical Code Generation: By Example"
  • 6/14/07 Patrick Quinn UI design concepts
  • 6/21/07 Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"
  • 6/28/07 Live from show
And you can sign up at:

The talks are on Adobe Acrobat Connect so you can listen in remotely via your PC with sound via the internet. We are planning to record the talks and will provide URLs for later viewing after each event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

CFUNITED volunteers

We are looking for voluteers to help out prior to CFUnited. Gain the opportunity to attend CFUnited free. Inquire with Liz Frederick at liz (at) teratech.com


Welcome to the MDCFUG blog. We will be writing about the Maryland ColdFusion User Group, ColdFusion news, Flex, Flash, Fusebox, software reviews and other topics of interest.

BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version Contact Blog Owner

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