Creating a Quick and Dirty Hit Counter
by Michael Smith, TeraTech
Nowadays, having a hit counter on your website is essential -- to find out
how many visitors come to your site, who they are, and if possible where they
came from. Sometimes you want a hit counter on your page that you can control
the format of (unlike the prebuilt free graphics hit counters that are out
there). With ColdFusion, it is easy to create a simple hit counter, using a
database to store the current count. Our first example only tracks how many
times a page has been visited or refreshed. While this first counter won't give
you detailed statistics, you can easily modify your table to include columns
for tracking items such as the visitor's IP address, browser type and referring
page. We do this at the end of this article.
Creating tables in ColdFusion
To get started, you will need a table in your database to store the number
of hits. Just for fun, I will show you how to create a table using pure
ColdFusion and SQL code. (Note: This table can be created even when you don't
have direct access to your database. If you have direct access to your
ColdFusion data source, then of course you can just create the table in your
database by hand.)
The table in question, "hit_counter" (see Listing 1 below), stores
the number of hits a web page has received in an integer field called
hit_count, thus tracking the number of visits to your web page.
FTP the create table example below to your web server and run it by typing
the name of the file into your browser. In this case, the file is called
"createcounter.cfm". When the CFQUERY successfully creates your
table, you will see the message "Table Created!" in your browser
Listing 1:
Syntax - createcounter.cfm
<html> <head> <title>My Counter</title> </head> <body> <cfquery datasource="YOUR_DATASOURCE" name="create"> create table hit_counter (hit_count int null) </cfquery> Table Created! </body> </html> |
Note that you can also delete tables using the DROP TABLE command in SQL.
Listing 1.5
Syntax - DropCounter.cfm
<html> <head> <title>My Counter</title> </head> <body> <cfquery datasource="YOUR_DATASOURCE" name="create"> drop table hit_counter </cfquery> Table Dropped! </body> </html> |
Counting hits
Listing 2 below shows how to update and display the results of your counter
in your specified web page. In line A, we are checking to see how many
"hits" are in our database. This is followed by a few CFIF queries
which check the number and update the hit count in your database each time your
web page is visited (or refreshed).
In line B, we are checking to see if a number exists in your database (i.e.
at least "1"). When we created the table (in Listing 1) above, we did
not insert a number into the database. The code below is required to allow for
the case of there being no records in the counter. If we didn't do this, the
hit_count variable would be null rather than 0, which would cause an error when
we tried to use it in lines C and D. Using the query "CreateHit"
below, your hit counter will start at "1" if it is brand new.
Line C displays the actual number of hits on the web page. And Line D will
increment the current number of hits in our database to +1 for each new visitor
to the web page.
Listing 2
To display the counter: Paste the following code into your web page:
<cfquery name="GetHits" datasource="YOUR_DATASOURCE"> SELECT hit_count FROM hit_counter </cfquery> |
<CFIF GetHits.recordcount is 0> <cfquery name="CreateHit" datasource="YOUR_DATASOURCE"> INSERT INTO hit_counter( hit_count) VALUES (1) </cfquery> Hits: 0 |
<cfelse> Hits: <CFOUTPUT query="GetHits">#hit_count#</cfoutput> </cfif> |
<cfquery name="updateHits" datasource="YOUR_DATASOURCE"> UPDATE hit_counter SET hit_count = hit_count + 1 </cfquery> |
Using this simple hit counter will give you a good starting point, but I
encourage you to modify the example code and add more information about your
visitors to your database. Doing so will allow you to reap the rewards of this
simple tracking device.
Complex counting and user tracking
Here is the code for a more complex counter. In this case, we want to save
both every page hit and track individual customers. This code is typically
placed in your application.cfm file that is run at the front of every page or
in a header.cfm include file.
Identify user by cookie:
<CFIF isdefined("Cookie.user_id")> <CFSET user_id=trim(Cookie.user_id)> <CFELSE> <CFSET user_id=""> </CFIF> |
Get page referrer information:
<CFSET #address# = "#cgi.remote_addr#"> <CFSET #host# = "#cgi.remote_host#"> <CFSET #referer# = "#cgi.http_referer#"> <CFSET #agent# = "#cgi.http_user_agent#"> <CFSET #page# = "#cgi.script_name#"> <CFIF #host# is ""> <CFSET #host# = "unknown"> </CFIF> <CFIF #referer# is ""> <CFSET #referer# = "unknown"> </CFIF> |
To track repeat visitors, we use a cookie called user_id. The code in
section A checks to see if the cookie exists and copies the ID into a page
variable called user_id. Otherwise, we default user_id to "", so that
we won't get undefined variable errors later in the code.
Next, in code B, we set page variables for the user's IP address, machine
name, etc., using the standard ColdFusion CGI variables. If you want to see a
complete list of these variables, turn on debug on your CF server and look at
the bottom of the page.
CGI variable
IP of user
Machine name of user
this page came from
IP of user
User's browser type
Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; U)
File name of CFM file being run
In addition to the user id, we give many of our users a variable called
"custno" that may be passed on URL from a CF generated email or via a
session variable. In the latter case, we default the page variable
"custno" to the session variable in part C.
Track any customer by session:
<CFIF not isdefined("custno")> <CFIF isdefined("session.custno")> <cfset custno = session.custno> </cfif> </cfif> |
If user has not been here before, create ID and cookie for them:
<CFIF #user_id# is ""> <CFQUERY NAME="CreateUser" DATASOURCE="webserver"> insert into ClientInfo (RemoteAddress, RemoteHost, Referer,UserAgent, page ) values ('#address#', '#host#', '#referer#', '#agent#', '#page#') </CFQUERY> <CFQUERY NAME="MakeCookie" DATASOURCE="webserver"> SELECT max(id) as high from clientinfo </CFQUERY> <CFOUTPUT QUERY="MakeCookie"> <CFSET #cook# = "#high#"> <CFSET #user_id# = "#high#"> </CFOUTPUT> <CFCOOKIE NAME="user_id" VALUE="#cook#" EXPIRES="never"> <CFELSE> |
Then, in D, we start creating the tracking records. For new users we create
a ClientInfo record and a cookie based on the ID using the <CFCOOKIE>
tag. For existing users we add a new record to the ClientTrack table for their
userid (Section E). This way we can track every page a particular user visits.
Add tracking record for existing user:
<CFQUERY NAME="TrackUser" DATASOURCE="webserver"> insert into ClientTrack (Id, RemoteAddress, RemoteHost, Referer,UserAgent, page, custno) values ('#user_id#', '#address#', '#host#', '#referer#', '#agent#', '#page#', <CFIF isdefined("custno")> '#custno#' <cfelse> '' </cfif>) </CFQUERY> </CFIF> |
Finally, in sections F, G and H, we set the "custno" session
variable and update the ClientInfo database with the "custno", if it
was passed in.
Listing 3
If custno variable passed in on URL (from email for example), save in user
<CFIF isdefined("custno")> <CFQUERY NAME="UpdateUser" DATASOURCE="webserver"> update ClientInfo <CFIF isdefined("custno")> set custno ='#custno#' <cfelse> set custno = custno </cfif> where ID = #val(user_id)# </CFQUERY> <CFIF isdefined("custno")> <cfset session.custno = custno> </cfif> <cfelse> |
Otherwise, try to set custno number from previous visit:
<CFQUERY NAME="GetUser" DATASOURCE="webserver"> SELECT custno, id FROM ClientInfo where ID = #val(user_id)# </CFQUERY> |
Set session variable for use by other pages:
<CFIF GetUser.custno is not ""> <cfset session.custno = GetUser.custno> </cfif> </cfif> |
We have covered how to code a simple hit counter and how to
track more complete information about users. We mentioned dynamic table
creation, the CGI variables, cookies and session variables. Good luck with
tracking your users and have fun coding!
Other ColdFusion Resources for Beginners
Michael Smith is president of TeraTech, a
ten-year-old Rockville Maryland based consulting company that specializes in
ColdFusion, Database and Visual Basic development. You can reach Michael at [email protected] or 301-424-3903.