ColdFusion Class Notes for 11/8/1999
General Notes
About Queries and Loops
The following are properties generated from the <CFQUERY>
statement, which can then be used in later code or displayed:
queryname.recordcount - total number of records
queryname.currentrow - current row number during
queryname.columnlist - list of column names in query
queryname.executiontime - time in seconds for SQL to run
One can limit the number of
records to be displayed or queried in a <CFOUTPUT> or <CFLOOP>
statement respectively by setting the following tag options:
maxrows –
the maximum number of rows to be displayed or queried
startrow – the row in the table which will be treated as the
starting point for the <CFOUTPUT> or <CFLOOP> statement
endrow – the row in the table which will be set as the ending
point for the <CFLOOP> statement
Another way to limit number of records processed in a
<CFLOOP> statement is to use a <CFBREAK> tag which stops the query
when user-defined criteria becomes true.
For example:
<CFQUERY datasource=”databasename” name=”queryname”>
SQL statement
<CFLOOP query=”queryname”>
<CFIF fieldname {is, gte, lte, gt, lt} criteria>
Inserting Data
Into a Database
Use an INSERT INTO structured query language (SQL) statement
within a <CFQUERY> tag. The basic
format is as follows:
<CFQUERY datasource = “databasename” name = “queryname”>
INSERT INTO tablename (fieldname1, fieldname2. . . fieldnameN)
VALUES (value1, value2 . . . valueN)
NOTE: the
Access query builder uses the alternative format:
INSERT INTO tablename (fieldname1, fieldname2. .
. fieldnameN)
SELECT value1, value2 . . . valueN
Updating Data
In a Database
Use an UPDATE structured query language (SQL) statement within
a <CFQUERY> tag. The basic format
is as follows:
<CFQUERY datasource = “databasename” name = “queryname”>
UPDATE tablename
SET (fieldname1 = value1, fieldname2 = value2,
valueN. . . fieldnameN)
WHERE condition
Often the condition is to select just one record
based on the primary key, e.g.,
WHERE member_id = 3
NOTE: If you forget the WHERE part of this statement
ALL records will be updated to the same value!!
Deleting Data
From a Database
Use a DELETE structured query language (SQL) statement within a
<CFQUERY> tag. The basic format
is as follows:
<CFQUERY datasource = “databasename” name = “queryname”>
* FROM tablename WHERE condition
NOTE: If you forget the WHERE part of this statement
ALL records will be deleted!!
One can use the URL in order to determine which record is
deleted from a database as well. For
example, if the URL of the page were http://www.mypage/deleterecord?varname=2 the corresponding code would
<CFQUERY datasource = “databasename” name = “queryname”>
* FROM tablename
WHERE fieldname = #url.varname#
NOTE: to pass
multiple variables on the URL line use the ampersand to separate the additional
Notice that no special characters
such as space, quote, period etc are allowed in URL.