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On Monday, October 25, Michael Smith will teach Cold Fusion. Here are the course requirements:


1)      Attendance will be required on Monday evenings 7:45-9:45

                Please be at PUP by 7:35 so that the class can start promptly.

                There will be a break in the middle.

2)      Homework will take 4-5 hours to complete - max.

            There will be a required text to be used for readings and as a reference.

                Articles on CF may be assigned for reading--we’ll start with Michael’s articles.

                There will be individual homework each week.

                There will be an ongoing group project. (A group will have 2-3 members)

                The time allotted for homework does not include time catching up on Access or HTML

3)      There will be a take home exam after several weeks.

4)      E-mail participation is essential!

                Michael will set up a Listserv hosted by TeraTech for this purpose.

5)      Understanding HTML through Tables will be needed to start.

            Tutoring or additional classes may be provided as needed

                Instruction/materials will be provided on HTML Forms

6)      Using Access database is needed to start.

            Tutoring or additional classes may be provided as needed

                Instruction/materials will be provided on SQL

7)      Computers will have to be shared--please cooperate so that we can all learn.

8)      Students should plan to spend several hours at PUP each week working on CF.

            Do not count on installing CF on your home computer--it is not a simple operation!

9)      The class will continue after Christmas if there is a working group and an available teacher.

10)  Another staff enrichment course will be starting in the spring depending on interest.

            If this course does not fit your needs or available time there will be other opportunities.


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