The following web sites provide additional information:
- Home of the Federal Information Technology Accessibility Initiative
(FITAI), an interagency effort coordinated by the General Services
Administration to offer technical assistance and to provide an informal
means of cooperation and sharing of information on implementation of
Section 508. Offers information on the laws and regulations, current hot
topics, policy and guidance, training and the FITAI membership
- Home page for the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance
Board (Access Board), an independent Federal agency devoted to
accessibility for people with disabilities, it operates with about 30
staff and a governing board of representatives from Federal departments
and public members appointed by the President. As defined by section
508, the Access Board was responsible for developing the section 508
General Disabilities
- the Trace Center, part of the College of Engineering at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison is involved in numerous research and development
activities concerning the disabled and alternative solutions
- On-line connection to WeMedia Magazine, a publication that offers
information such as news, sports, accessible and assistive technologies,
politics and advocacy, shopping, employment, education, finance, and
real estate from a disability perspective.
- As part of a couple presidential initiatives, this site provides a
“one-stop online access to resources, services, and information
available throughout the Federal government (check out the well-designed
links in the upper-right for a “text only” version and to send the page
to for conversion!)
- The Association for Computing Machinery has a Special Interest Group
on Computers and the Physically Handicapped that promotes the
professional interests of computing personnel with physical disabilities
and the application of computing and information technology in solving
relevant disability problems. The SIG also strives to educate the public
to support careers for the disabled.
- the Disability Statistics Center provides statistical information on
disability and the status of people with disabilities in American
- Closing the Gap addresses computer technology in special education and
- This portal site is an on-line disability “community” containing
articles and links for all types of disabilities.
- Created by Georgia Tech's Center for Rehabilitation Technology, the
site provides access to information on assistive technology devices,
services and other disability-related resources for people with
disabilities and the general public.
Web Development and Accessibility
Design and Testing
- A-Prompt (Accessibility Prompt) was developed by a joint effort
between the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Tornonto
) and the TRACE Center at the University of Wisconsin. It assists Web
authors in improving the accessibility and usability of HTML documents
by checking Web pages for barriers to accessibility and making repairs
to correct any problems.
- Also part of The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of
Toronto, this site provides resources and services to design accessible
Web sites.
- Creators of Bobby, the Center for Applied Special Technology is a
non-for-profit organization that provides tools and services to expand
opportunities for people with disabilities.
- Maintained by the National Cancer Institute, this site provides
resources on creating usable and accessible Web sites and user
- Site for a NetConversions company committed to increasing awareness
of online accessibility issues and making web content accessible to
everyone. The offer a set of tools, services, and lists to help meet
these goals.
- Vischeck's color vision simulator allows you to experience how the
world looks to people with various sorts of color deficiency; their tool
can check individual images or an entire web site.
- the AWARE (Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education) Center is
a resource for web authors to learn about web accessibility.
W3C and Related
- this is main site for the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World
Wide Web Consortium. It contains guidelines for accessibility (web
content, authoring, etc.), checklists to see if your site meets their
guidelines, and other resources (
- this the curriculum put out by WAI to help you become familiar with
the application of their Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v. 1.0
- this “Checkpoint Checker” gives you criteria by which you can see if
you meet the WAI accessibility checkpoints.
- a collection of links about information architecture, human factors,
user interface issues, and usable design specific to the WWW.
- Bartimaeus Group provides on-site adaptive technology training,
support, and products for people who are blind/visually impaired.
- SSB Technologies has created three applications (Insight, Infocus,
Clarity) to validate if a web site is 508 compliant and correct what is
not accessible.
Federal Government Accessibility Centers
U.S. Department of
Agriculture - Technology Accessible Resources Gives Employment Today
U.S. Department of Defense
- Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP)
Dinah Cohen 703-681-3976 (Voice/TTY) email: [email protected]
U.S. Department of
Education - Assitive Technology Program
Joe Tozzi 202-708-7298
U.S. General Services
Admin. - Center for IT Accommodation (CITA)
Terry Weaver 202-501-1136
U.S. Department of the
Interior - Assistive Technology Center (ATC)
Christine Louton 202-208-5481
U.S. Department of
Transportation - Disability Resource Center (DRC)
U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs PC Adaptive Training Program
Patrick Sheehan, Program Coordinator, 202-273-6543 email:
[email protected]
Accessible Conferences
- The TAP Bulletin, a monthly publication of the RESNA (Rehabilitation
Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) Technical
Assistance Project. This publication outlines some basic considerations
when arranging Accessible Meetings.
- "Access for All, Helping to make participatory processes
accessible for everyone," Assembled by Ingrid Lewis, Save the
Children. Adobe Acrobat file available for download or reading online.
- "A Guide To Planning Accessible Meetings," this resource has
been compiled by June Isaacson Kailes and Darrell Jones for the
Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) program of The Institute
for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR).
- Resource Directories from The Library of Congress’ National Library
Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). This site
provide plain text document listings of libraries and other resources
for the visually-impaired.
- CSUN'S Sixteenth Annual International Conference "Technology and
Persons with Disabilities" Conference Proceedings. Conference
proceedings on many different assistive technologies including: